The Rise of Holistic Medicines

Felicity Edward-Olaniyi

For hundreds, even thousands, of years, many people have relied on herbal or natural remedies for health issues like cuts and even pregnancies, and it has worked, but the issue is that with the internet, everyone claims to come across the next cure for something that many endanger themselves by trying the wrong things. For example, the onion, ginger, pineapple-skin, and garlic concoctions spread in WhatsApp chain messages - convincing entire communities of its healing powers for the Covid-19 virus. Herbal remedies are quite a broad topic because they are a holistic thing that includes emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, which is a lot to fit in without losing your attention, so I will just briefly talk about the main things that I often come across.

Herbal remedies and medicine have been proven to work. A common example is lavender being used to ease anxiety; another one is that in many countries in West Africa, a ‘chewing stick’ is used as the main way to clean teeth. It helps to clear teeth while massaging the gums and helps with bad breath because it releases antibacterial sap.

My issue with natural remedies is when they are used with very little base to hold up and people start endangering themselves or others.

One area where this trend has gained significant momentum is in the fields of weight loss and skincare, making DIY products the favored option over conventional remedies.

The use of natural remedies and DIY products in weight loss and skincare may be attributed to several factors, including convenience and cost-effectiveness. It’s no surprise why the search ‘how to lose weight without going to the gym and dieting’ has over 10,000 searches per month. Additionally, natural remedies and DIY products are often cheaper than commercial products, making them a more accessible option for those looking to lose weight on a budget. Spending £45 on medication claiming to have the same components of a smoothie will never win in a battle against the consumer’s pocket.

With the rise of social media, there has been a growing emphasis on health and wellness, with many influencers or celebrities endorsing natural remedies and DIY products to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. For example, apple cider vinegar and green tea have gained popularity as natural weight loss aids, while homemade smoothies and detox drinks are also in Vogue.

Their perceived safety and efficacy is another attractive point. Many over-the-counter options come with unwanted side effects, which natural remedies claim to avoid.

Another potential concern is that some herbal remedies may suppress appetite or stimulate weight loss by increasing metabolism or reducing fat absorption, but these effects may not necessarily be sustainable or healthy in the long term.

Similarly, in the area of skincare, natural remedies boast several advantages. They are claimed to be gentler on the skin and less likely to cause irritation or allergic reactions and are easily accessible on the internet, compared to the increasing difficulty in booking an appointment with the local GP.


While natural remedies and DIY products have some potential benefits, there are also notable drawbacks to this trend. One significant disadvantage is they are not subject to the same level of regulation as conventional products, so the quality and safety of these products may be inconsistent. Moreover, some natural ingredients may lead to adverse reactions or other unintended effects, such as irritation and skin sensitivity. Use of ingredients that may cause phototoxicity, such as citrus essential oils, may increase photosensitivity, and, when exposed to sunlight, result in redness, burning, and sensitivity. Overuse of exfoliating agents, including chemical and physical exfoliants, may damage layers of the skin and cause micro-tears which increases the chance of infections forming.

As a person who values natural remedies in healthcare, I believe that returning to traditional methods is sometimes necessary. We don't always need to overcomplicate things. With proper research and understanding, natural remedies can be effective for treating various health conditions without the use of pharmaceuticals. By relying on natural remedies, we can avoid the side effects of prescription drugs and cultivate a more wholesome lifestyle.


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