Voices of resilience: living with ADHD, anxiety and depression
The Social Scribe The Social Scribe

Voices of resilience: living with ADHD, anxiety and depression

To kick off this series, I had the privilege of speaking with Kay, a university student who navigates life with ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Our conversation delved into his journey, challenges, and triumphs while pursuing higher education

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Let’s Talk Sickle-Cell: Tolu
The Social Scribe The Social Scribe

Let’s Talk Sickle-Cell: Tolu

Tolu was diagnosed with Sickle Cell anaemia at birth. Tolu’s parents were both told they were AA when tested in Nigeria and discovered that they were in fact AS when they came to the UK so Tolu is SS. Her interests include photography, creating things and reading.

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Let’s talk sickle cell:  jennifer & CHI CHI
The Social Scribe The Social Scribe

Let’s talk sickle cell: jennifer & CHI CHI

September was Sickle Cell Awareness Month; I had the privilege of speaking with two amazing individuals about their experience living with sickle cell and a third about keeping the memory of his dear friend alive by raising awareness on sickle cell disease. They have shed so much light on many things I, and others might also be unaware of, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to share their respective stories over the next few months!

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Common Health Myths
The Social Scribe The Social Scribe

Common Health Myths

Grab a nutrient-packed snack (because we’re all about balance here), and get ready to learn the truth about some of the most common nutritional misconceptions out there.

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The Rise of Holistic Medicines
The Social Scribe The Social Scribe

The Rise of Holistic Medicines

For hundreds, even thousands, of years, many people have relied on herbal or natural remedies for health issues like cuts and even pregnancies, and it has worked.

My issue with natural remedies is when they are used with very little base to hold up and people start endangering themselves or others...

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Let’s Talk Blood
The Social Scribe The Social Scribe

Let’s Talk Blood

This year alone, 12,000 new blood donors of Black heritage are needed to help the rising numbers of sickle cell patients who regularly need blood…

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Same Place, New Game Plan.
The Social Scribe The Social Scribe

Same Place, New Game Plan.

Once more, a large number of young people will start what is thought to be a crucial period in their lives: university…

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