Timi’s Take On: Little Simz - Drop 7

Timi Olaitan

Little Simz took a different approach to this body of work in comparison to previous releases. She took a risk, one I feel has paid off. Although different, the sonically rich and enjoyable experience you find in her art remains.

I listened to each song at least four times, on two separate occasions, so this isn’t one of those rushed reactions.

Most of what you’ll read is my live reaction, I’d recommend listening first, then reading OR listening while you read ;).

Lastly, I’m the type to listen to albums/EPs in order - those of you who hit shuffle on the first listen…

Tiny disclaimer:

On 5th March, Little Simz posted her runway debut with Miumiu. This was written LONG before that. I basically saw this coming and wrote about it. Feeling: très cool

Mood Swings

I won’t lie, when I first pressed play, I was surprised. I wasn’t expecting this icy-futuristic house sound. I quickly re-adjusted my ears to prepare for what was to come. It reminds me of something you’d hear in a fashion show – literally runway vibes for a winter collection by some Italian designer.

By the second listen, I came to really appreciate the sound generally. I kind of hear Binz - Solange when she says ‘CP time’.

By the third listen I was most into it. Fourth listen was in the gym, and I can confirm, it’s a hit while on the treadmill. Also, thank you Little Simz for making the people know I be having mood swings.

I think this was put first to get that shock reaction from listeners like myself, who have been listening to Little Simz for a while (listener since 2017: Poison Ivy) and have come to assume a certain sound from her. She’s showing us something ‘new’ but very much a part of her, sort of like a mood swing.

Side note (but I think it must be said) - I really hate how listeners fail to remember their favourite artists are human. Their music is inspired from lived experiences, so if life feels like a symphony in one moment and Mood Swings the next, why can’t they express that?

*writing this then seeing her on a runway - oh gosh she REALLY creates based on what she’s experiencing - ugh, her mind!*

Anyways, Fever


Fever, 1:25

Picture this: you’re in a club you didn’t mean to go to but end up having a great time. Would you play the songs yourself? Probs not but would you enjoy hearing them in open spaces? Definitely.

I liked it. Again, one for gym.

Also, is sis rapping in another language???? International Simbi indeed.

She ate this one and I know the audience this was created for would love this because I noticed where she was going with this almost immediately.

Is it for me? No, but who cares what I think?

On to Torch.


Torch, 2:11

I loved it. Never been a beg never been a loudmouth. She really can bar for days.

Little Simz been at this for so long she doesn’t need to prove a thing to anyone and I love artists who are comfortable in their craft and never stay comfortable; constantly pushing to create. You can always tell who is in competition with themselves and who is competing with others. Love it.

Same vibes as Fever in my opinion but I can hear this in a Marvel movie soundtrack - and I mean this in the BEST way. Imagine Letitia Wright’s character training for some battle with a sea god and you hear Torch?! Or Dr Strange being, well, strange. Don’t tell me that wouldn’t be so cool.

I liked it and it’s great at the gym – high energy; it excites me to push for more.

On to SOS.


SOS – 3.02

Okay drums. Another one for the clubs in countries you only know how to say “hello”, “goodbye” “please” and “can I get the bill?”. No words for half of the song is an interesting choice.

Not a massive fan but who cares what I think? Felt a bit like a palette cleanse you get at tastings? I don’t want to say ‘filler’ because in this context it’s quite a rude descriptor.

Maybe the next songs will be a bit more familiar to me from Little Simz in comparison to these ones.

On to I ain’t feeling it.


I ain’t feeling it - 1.48

In love, I fear. Love at first… Hearing?

I am feeling it.

First listen I am lost for words. It’s so immersive. I think I played it everyday and in the gym six times.

Little Simz is brilliant!

I don’t have a lot to say because I’m still developing my vocabulary, but this is good. This is great. I love that she raps like the boss she is. I don’t really know how to describe it. But Little Simz has never been modest about her talent while creating. She gives each song her all and that’s all I ask for as a listener:

all or nothing!!

I am feeling it.

I think this is #5 because it couldn’t be any higher. I can’t imagine listening to this then hearing Fever and it couldn’t have come first because it would throw the theme of the EP off, this one didn’t shock me the way Mood Swings did. Not to call SOS a palette cleanse but I think it was, as it’s the track breaking the ‘new’ from the ‘known’.

On to Power.

Power – 0.54

Idk what this rhythm is called in the beginning, but I know when I hear it I love it. This being less than a minute is perfect because it’s enough to get everything in without overkill. I need to find out what that drum set is at the start because I know there’s a word for it. Anyways Power was okay for what it was.

On to Far Away


Far Away – 3.06

Longest out of the seven. I could feel the base in my chest LOL.

Going back to how versatile Little Simz is, how is the same person who made Mood Swings? Love the vocals.

She’s talking about losing someone she loved and her regrets with messing up their relationship. Could this be what she’s running away from in the other songs? Could it be why the other ones are so short? She can only forget for 54 seconds or one min?

I love songs that sound different to the words. Again, need to find the word used to describe this art.

I really liked this one and I implore you all to listen to it more than once. If you enjoy exercise (you all should) I would recommend adding at least 4 to your playlist. (The Social Scribe might be making one)

Here are my top 3 from Drop 7:

Ain’t Feeling It

for it’s strong start, immersive quality and the beaT

(to quote Sheree Whitmore, RHOA s3)


for where it went in my imagination and helping me meet a PB

Mood Swings

for being a surprise I soon warmed to. Can’t wait to hear it on a runway.


Amaarae, you made me feel a way!


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